Press release: Institutul de Prospectiva advises European Commission on futures

Institutul de Prospectiva is one of the core partners in a €20m framework contract on foresight services recently signed with the European Commission. The Foresight on Demand consultancy contract runs for the next four years.

The Foresight on Demand (FoD) consortium is supporting the European Commission and fourteen other EU organisations on science and technology programming from now until 2028, after a successful cooperation between 2019-2023. This framework agreement enables the European Commission to promptly call up required forward-looking expertise and build up anticipatory capacities in its own organisations. Knowledge is developed in participatory processes to orientate and underpin Europe’s investment plans for science, research, technology and innovation. 

Strategic support for the European Commission during previous framework contract

Institutul de Prospectiva has also been part of the Foresight on Demand consortium that delivered, between 2019 – 2023, timely and effective inputs to policy-making. Previous Foresight on Demand projects have helped develop a variety of policy instruments and measures, including EC directives, awareness-raising measures, information platforms, stakeholder networks and other research funding tools. One notable example is the FoD project “Foresight towards the 2nd Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe”, which has helped underpin Horizon Europe’s upcoming Strategic Plan.

Customers of Foresight-on-Demand projects in the past have included various Directorates-General of the European Commission (Research and Innovation, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, Justice and Consumers, Internal Market), as well as agencies and bodies of the European Union (European Environment Agency, Mission Boards).

Throughout the previous framework contract, Institutul de Prospectiva has contributed to numerous projects, on components related to horizon scanning, large scale Delphi consultations, scenario and vision building, speculative design. These projects addressed a wealth of themes, among which the future of food, of retail, of ecosystems’ flourishing We also explored the human condition transformed by technology and created fictional artifacts regarding our future selves and our expanded perception”, says Bianca Dragomir, vice-president at Institutul de Prospectiva.

Shaping the future with foresight

In addition to concrete results, such as scenarios, visions of the future and recommendations for action, which are disseminated in the form of in-depth case studies and reports, policy briefs and even futures stories and ‘artefacts from the future’, foresight processes also have indirect effects. In participatory settings, such as workshops, discussion and information events (panels, webinars), but also by means of Delphi surveys or interviews, foresight activities have a positive effect on the consolidation of stakeholder networks and on strengthening the anticipatory skills and capacities of political decision-makers, both crucial elements for long-term, coordinated and transformative policy-making.

A growing foresight community hosted by

The platform will continue to serve as the online home of the European foresight community. The work to be carried out by the Foresight on Demand consortium in the next four years will be featured on the platform along other European, national and even regional foresight activities and their diverse results.

Institutul de Prospectiva will continue to contribute to the enrichment of the platform futures4europe, not only by showcasing our foresight work and results, but also by creating content for non-expert audiences interested in forward-looking knowledge. With its planned upgrade in autumn 2024, will strengthen its position as the heart of a collective intelligence that aims at contributing significantly to shaping future-oriented policy decisions and to fueling conversations around futures”, adds Bianca Dragomir.

More information:

Bianca Dragomir;

Eye of Europe sets sail

November 2023 saw the official launch of the EU-funded project Eye of Europe – The research and innovation foresight community. For the next three years, this project will nurture the European R&I foresight community, bringing together practitioners, experts, policymakers and foresight enthusiasts alike.

Leveraging the experience of 18 partners across Europe coming from all walks of foresight expertise and practice, the project will integrate mutual learning and sharing of practices among foresight practitioners and R&I policy-makers, mobilise diverse stakeholders in joint pilot activities, and engage an active, broad audience in deliberating and shaping future imaginaries.

Eye of Europe will continue the work undertaken by its predecessor, ‘FOD European R&I Foresight and public engagement for Horizon Europe’. More specifically, the online platform futures4europe launched in early 2023 will carry on its function as the heart of the foresight community, undergoing further upgrades towards mapping organisations and experts and sharing foresight results and capabilities, as well as an amplifier for current foresight activities and events.

Read more about the project.

Dealing with future selves & Extending human perception to new scales – join the online workshop

When foresight meets speculative design, the result is not only cinematic and poetic, but also more tangible and potent in the way it paints potential futures. Project Futures Garden is warmly inviting you to engage with two fictional artifacts that showcase thought provoking future scenarios regarding “Dealing with future selves” and “Extending human perception to new scales”.

Join us for an immersive and interactive experience!

Registration link:

Date and time: Dec 7th 2023, 14:00 – 16:30 CET

The Artifacts:


The film Inwards invites us to explore new practices and technologies that enhance self-reflection and sharing of emotions, thus helping shape our choices in life and nurture a renewed sense of togetherness.

>> Watch the teaser:


The film Symbiotic invites us to explore new ways of inhabiting the perception of other intelligent beings, to embody their experience, their sensory world, their “umwelt” – what they “feel” and how they “think”.

>> Watch the teaser:

Stories, including those about potential futures, can bind and bond us in communion. They renew us, because when we imagine the future we invariably transform our present, our current thoughts and emotions. Give yourself this treat on Thursday, December 7th 2023.

Who Should Attend?

  • EU citizens interested in reflecting on and discussing future fictional artifacts, thus fostering new ideas and attitudes that may reshape their present lives and their future
  • Policymakers looking for fresh perspectives derived from future scenarios
  • Futurists, designers, and behavioral scientists exploring the power of citizen engagement in molding future imaginaries

Our report published by the European Commission: Science, technology and innovation for ecosystem performance: accelerating sustainability transitions

This report presents the results of a study on S&T&I for 2050: science, technology and innovation for ecosystem performance – accelerating sustainability transitions. The aim was to identify, map and assess future scientific and technological developments that can radically improve or threaten ecosystem performance.

Based on literature review, the project team developed three perspectives on future relations between humans and nature and humans’ role in the flourishing of planetary ecosystems. Drawing in addition on a two-round Dynamic Argumentative Delphi survey on the most dynamic scientific and technological developments, six cased studies on core sustainability issues explored the three perspectives. Reflections on implications for R&I policies in the context of the European Green Deal conclude each case study.

The report can be downloaded in our Resources section.

The project team was composed by: 

The project “S&T&I FOR 2050. Science, Technology and Innovation for Ecosystem Performance – Accelerating Sustainability Transitions” was conducted on behalf of the European Commission. 

Check out our webinar – Foresight for entrepreneurial minds

In a nutshell, foresight is a structured conversation about potential futures. Foresight tools and concepts can be employed in different future-sensitive settings, and entrepreneurial discovery and business innovation can certainly benefit from this practice.

This webinar addresses students with entrepreneurial ambitions and facilitators who may guide them in the process of generating ideas that take into account future opportunities and challenges, whether they are already emerging or are barely discernable in the present.

The webinar is available here.

It is part of our work in project FOReSiGHTFlexibility and Resilience in Digital Transformation and Intelligent Automation – Advanced Skills and Tools for Academia and Entrepreneurs.


Read our new paper: “Transhumanist revolutions”

Mass media from around the world is constantly heralding new scientific and technological breakthroughs that bring upon the promise of healthier, longer, more fulfilling lives: partially restoring the sight of blind people with the aid of artificial retinas, restoring partial movement of previously non-responsive limbs by linking a paralyzed person’s brain to a computer chip, artificial bones, skin, blood, along with more controversial endeavors: editing the human genome through gene-splitting techniques, stem cells primed to promote regeneration, cryogenics and many, many others. The transhumanist movement regards breakthroughs like these as springboards not only to healing people, but to changing and improving humanity. Thanks to scientific developments in converging technologies such as biotechnology, neurotechnology, information technology and nanotechnology, humanity may be on the cusp of an enhancement revolution. 

Our new paper proposes 12 scenarios informed by transhumanism, portraying futures in which the human condition – our bodies, functions, and lives – and the features of societies are fundamentally transformed by technology. We propose these narratives as exploratory scenarios, describing futures where both positive and negative consequences are palpable. They are not normative, outlining a vision of the future deemed desirable. We invite readers to regard them as devices for imagining the future and debating the future. 

You can read more on the context and download the full paper here

Read our new paper: “Data as representation”

What is data? How is data relevant for human and natural ecosystems? The answers depend on the perspective – in a recent paper we propose three scenarios, going from techno-optimism, to equal species recognition, to the philosophy of biocentrism.

In brief, the scenarios are:

  • To the maxx – in which the technological trends of the early 2020s (pattern recognition through AI, greener and FAIR data, digital twins etc.) have reached maximal expansion. In this scenario, science supplies data and algorithms for decision-making, but scientific techno-optimism is confronted with the challenge of understanding and of justifying decisions.
  • Radical responsibility – in which a social technology (equal recognition through a system of rights) is extended to virtually all beings, human and nonhuman. Here, science is enlisted in support of bringing in the perspectives of different species but is confronted with the challenge of integrating these perspectives into broad models accepted by all.
  • We, the life – in which the driving force is a new level of consciousness gained by a growing number of biocentric scientists. Humanity relies on them to inspire ethically grounded worldviews, influencing the design of socio-techno-environmental systems.

Access the full paper here.

Vision and scenario building for 2035 – Fishing and aquaculture in Romania

Institutul de Prospectiva is supporting the Ministry of Agriculture in Romania in its current efforts to build its sectoral strategy for fishing and aquaculture for the period 2023-2030. The activity is part of an effort involving the World Bank and its partners in supporting the strategic capacity of different ministries in Romania.

The project relies on a foresight methodology that involves a number of co-creation workshops with stakeholders in the sector. The first two workshops in a series of four were organized in April 2022 and were aimed at co-creating a vision for fishing and aquaculture in 2035.

The workshop engaged participants in a seven steps process, as follows:

  • Building a common understanding of the current societal/consumer behaviors and attitudes (level of fish and seafood consumption, types of products consumed, preference for local products, expectations regarding traceability, environmental concerns etc.);
  • Assessing the evolution of societal/consumer expectations by 2035 (on the same parameters as above);
  • Mapping the current fishing and aquaculture system, in terms if strengths and weaknesses;
  • Sketching the inertial future scenario of the fishing and aquaculture sector in Romania, meaning the likely scenario for 2035 in the absence of corrective policy interventions;
  • Identifying future opportunities that would allow the system to progress towards more desirable scenarios than the inertial scenario;
  • Collaboratively developing normative scenarios, capitalizing on selected opportunities;
  • Based on the normative scenarios, extracting the main components of a future vision for 2035, together with the most important areas of transformation leading to such vision.

The results of this co-creation workshops are presented in this report:

Based on these outcomes, stakeholders will be further engaged in two road-mapping workshops to be held in May 2022.

Press release: New directions for involving citizens in research and innovations agendas

Setting directions for research and innovation is usually not a job of citizens. But the CIMULACT project has paved the way for involving citizens in the actual formulation of research and innovation agendas.

Continue reading “Press release: New directions for involving citizens in research and innovations agendas”

Published book: Advances in the Theory and Practice of Smart Specialization

Regional growth in the European Union hinges to a large extent on smart specialization, a new and exciting theme in economic innovation studies. Advances in the Theory and Practice of Smart Specialization illuminates problems that have stifled the implementation of smart specialization policies, such as unique regional constraints and the inter-dependent demands of economic growth and commercial development. Forward-looking and pragmatic, it provides guidance for developing smart specialization strategies both to those involved in European affairs and others grappling with regional innovation and economic development worldwide.

  • Emphasizes specific contexts for smart specialization, its international approach and institutional preconditions
  • Examines comparable initiatives worldwide
  • Explains how to implement smart specialization policies given different development levels of regions and countries

Editors: Slavo RadosevicAdrian CurajRadu GheorghiuLiviu Andreescu, Imogen Wade