Our latest news

Press release: Institutul de Prospectiva advises European Commission on futures
Institutul de Prospectiva is one of the core partners in a €20m framework contract on foresight services recently signed with the European Commission. The Foresight on Demand consultancy contract runs for the next four years.
Eye of Europe sets sail
Nurturing the European R&I foresight community by bringing together practitioners, experts, policymakers and foresight enthusiasts alike.
Dealing with future selves & Extending human perception to new scales – join the online workshop
Futures Garden aims at creating inspiring alternative future scenarios through the use of fictional future artifacts that invite to reflection and debate.
Our report published by the European Commission: Science, technology and innovation for ecosystem performance: accelerating sustainability transitions
This report presents the results of a study on S&T&I for 2050: science, technology and innovation for ecosystem performance – accelerating sustainability transitions. The aim was to identify, map and assess future scientific and technological developments that can radically improve or threaten ecosystem performance.
Check out our webinar – Foresight for entrepreneurial minds
This webinar addresses students with entrepreneurial ambitions and facilitators who may guide them in the process of generating ideas that take into account future opportunities and challenges, whether they are already emerging or are barely discernable in the present.
Read our new paper: “Transhumanist revolutions”
Our new paper proposes 12 scenarios informed by transhumanism, portraying futures in which the human condition – our bodies, functions, and lives – and the features of societies are fundamentally transformed by technology.
Read our new paper: “Data as representation”
What is data? How is data relevant for human and natural ecosystems? The answers depend on the perspective – in a recent paper we propose three scenarios, going from techno-optimism, to equal species recognition, to the philosophy of biocentrism.
Vision and scenario building for 2035 – Fishing and aquaculture in Romania
Institutul de Prospectiva is supporting the Ministry of Agriculture in Romania in its current efforts to build its sectoral strategy […]
Press release: New directions for involving citizens in research and innovations agendas
Setting directions for research and innovation is usually not a job of citizens. But the CIMULACT project has paved the way for […]
Published book: Advances in the Theory and Practice of Smart Specialization
Regional growth in the European Union hinges to a large extent on smart specialization, a new and exciting theme in […]
CIMULACT: Highlights & full report from the Online Consultation
The online consultation Research for Society engaged citizens from 30 countries, together with researchers, stakeholders and policy makers in redefining the European Research […]
ForWiki web 2.0 Foresight comunity platform
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