Our report published by the European Commission: Science, technology and innovation for ecosystem performance: accelerating sustainability transitions
This report presents the results of a study on S&T&I for 2050: science, technology and innovation for ecosystem performance – accelerating sustainability transitions. The aim was to identify, map and assess future scientific and technological developments that can radically improve or threaten ecosystem performance.
- Articles
This report presents the results of a study on S&T&I for 2050: science, technology and innovation for ecosystem performance – accelerating sustainability transitions. The aim was to identify, map and assess future scientific and technological developments that can radically improve or threaten ecosystem performance. The study was conducted along several phases:
- Based on literature review, the project team developed three perspectives on future relations between humans and nature and humans’ role in the flourishing of planetary ecosystems.
- A two-round Dynamic Argumentative Delphi (DAD) survey carried out by Institutul de Prospectiva engaged over 600 experts globally in enriching, assessing and prioritizing STI directions in terms of their potential to contribute to the capability of planetary ecosystems to flourish from now to 2050.
- Drawing in on the three perspectives and the results of the DAD survey, six case studies on core sustainability issues explored the three perspectives. Reflections on implications for R&I policies in the context of the European Green Deal conclude each case study. Two of these case studies were developed by Institutul de Prospectiva – “Data as representation“ and “Soil to Soul“.
Read the report by clicking on the download button on the left of the page.
The project team was composed by:
- Austrian Institute of Technology (lead)
- Insight Foresight Institute (IFI)
- Institutul de Prospectiva
- Fraunhofer ISI
- Visionary Analytics
The project “S&T&I FOR 2050. Science, Technology and Innovation for Ecosystem Performance – Accelerating Sustainability Transitions” was conducted on behalf of the European Commission.