Learn more about the project below
Engaging all of Europe in shaping a desirable and sustainable future
Citizens provide concrete input for the European Union’s research and innovation agenda.
A video presentation of CIMULACT is available here.
CIMULACT (Citizen and Multi-Actor Consultation on Horizon 2020) builds on the conviction that societies’ collective intelligence gives Europe a competitive advantage. This intelligence may be activated to strengthen the relevance of the European science and technology system. By establishing a genuine dialogue among citizens, stakeholders, scientists, and policymakers, visions and scenarios for desirable futures are developed and debated, and further transformed into recommendations and suggestions for research and innovation policies and topics.
In short, CIMULACT encompasses:
a) Citizen visions for desirable and sustainable futures, connecting societal needs with future expected advances in science and their impact on technology, society, environment, and so on.
The English-language booklet containing the 179 visions elaborated (in national languages) by more than 1,000 citizens during the National Citizen Vision Workshops (NCVs) is available here.
b) Highly participatory debates/consultations engaging citizens and stakeholders in building scenarios for desirable sustainable futures and research. The latter will be considered for implementation in Horizon 2020 or national research and innovation agendas.
c) The development, experimentation and assessment of a large scale, multi-actor online consultation for redefining the European Research and Innovation agenda. No less than 3,458 respondents from 30 countries evaluated and enriched, according to their interests and expertise, 48 proposed research programs.
d) Recommendations for research and innovation policy.
The 23 citizens’ based research topics and recommendations ordered by Grand Challenges are available here.