Report of the Vision and Roadmap co-creation workshops for the Integrated Development Strategy for Mountain Areas in Romania
This report describes the process and outcomes of the Vision and Roadmap Co-Creation Workshops for the Integrated Development Strategy for Mountain Areas in Romania, held in August – September 2023.
- Technical Reports
This report describes the process and outcomes of the Vision and Roadmap Co-Creation Workshops for the Integrated Development Strategy for Mountain Areas in Romania, held on 9-10 August 2023 and 13 September 2023.
The first section of the report describes the context of these workshops, i.e. the objectives pursued, the profile of the participants in the co-creation process and a brief presentation of the methodology.
The second section showcases the consolidated results of the workshops:
- Thematic dimensions of the inertial scenario at the time horizon of 2035. These dimensions depict the future context of the mountain areas under the influence of various drivers of change (social, technological, economic, ecological, values and attitudes, and/or country commitments) and in the absence of strategic corrective measures. These dimensions of the baseline scenario reflect the themes of interest identified by the participants on the first day of the workshop; they are not meant to be exhaustive, but representative of the reality of mountain areas in 2035.
- The directions of transformation identified by the participants as desirable for the future of mountain areas in 2035 and the actions that support the achievement of these transformations; the set of actions acts as a roadmap of the transformation process.
In order to showcase the workshops results in a format that is compatible with a strategy outline, between the August and September workshops, the content was structured under several sections, which are reproduced in this report: pillars, objectives, sub-objectives, accompanied by a description of the desired transformation, and a list of potential supporting actions.
The third section is a step-by-step presentation of the co-creation process that the participants underwent during the three days of workshops. Moreover, the text reflects the progressive construction of the content from one stage to the next.
The annexes contain the input materials used to fuel the participants’ discussions at different stages of the process.
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