The goal of project RIBRI was to identify 100 technological innovation opportunities for Europe by confronting 100+ Radical Innovation Breakthroughs (RIBs) with 20-25 Global Value Networks (GVNs). This final report is suitable for use by policy-makers describing the 100 most significant RIBs, underpinned by a structured analysis of all breakthroughs potentially feasible in the next 5 to 20 years, and comparing them to European strengths and weaknesses in research, science and technology.

“A massive automated survey of recent scientific and technical literature filtered through panels of experts has been combined with reviews of important recent foresight projects worldwide. The results have been screened for their potential impact on future global value creation, and assessed in terms of current maturity, long-term diffusion potential and relative strength of the EU in research and innovation.” (Jean-Eric Paquet, General Director for Research and Innovation, European Commission)